Friday, November 7, 2008

Start Beginning

My sudden inspiration to blog is from a certain William "The Heffer" Heffernan who has a very "informative" blog/ranting page at this address I feel that I would make a good blogger because my musings are expansive and mostly ridiculous, so much so that certain people (Lorcan Kavanagh and Paul O'Conor) are sick of listening to me.

The title for this first blog came from a song that I'm currently listening to-Nizlopi. This middle english folk band will be the subject matter for my first blog. Yes, yes I know the first thing that pops into your head when you think of Nizlopi...."that stupid JCB song". First thing to understand is I'm not really that big a fan of this song either so don't judge me yet. The first time I saw Nizlopi was at a Damien Dempsey in Vicar Street last December, I think. The thing that jumped right off the stage was the energy and pure enjoyment with which they played their music!!! Now if you've ever been at a Damo concert you'll know that it can be a tough and demanding crowd, which is why it was more astonishing that Luke ( the lead singer) got the crowd going brilliantly with a hook from one of their many unheard of songs. By the time the JCB song was played, the crowd were having a ball! One song jumped out at me and so after the gig I went to by their album and standing at the table was Luke so I had a chat with him and he signed my album. He's a really stand up guy, which is evident from the music he writes.

Anyway, to the point. If your willing to give Nizlopi a chance the rewards are tenfold. There music is uplifting and refreshingly different. With the current standard of music being produced in this century, " the McDonalds Music", there is little room for true artistry in an industry driven solely by money and not quality. Turning on the radio these days is like switching on a stream of processed rubbish with a handful of good songs mixed in. I'm not saying that I don't like some of the popular music out there, but its hard to fish out the good from the sea of crap! Its is solely because of the industry that brilliant bands like Nizlopi don't "make it" and the problem with this is that people are missing out not just the industry!

With John on the double bass and Luke on the guitar, it is honestly an inspiring experience to watch these two perform if you like music at all! The content of their songs is vast and is basically just a catalogue of Nizlopi's musings and experience's from there life. I will recommend 3 songs and if you give them a listen and are still not interested in more then Nizlopi is truly not for you! Luke's voice is really brilliant as well, with a great range and variation on some syllables. There style is very hard to explain so I will let there music do the talking.

2)Drop Your Guard
3)I'm Alive Again

I have already converted two of my Friends towards the light and hope more will follow. Give them a listen and I promise you won't regret,just follow the link.

Muse Over


kavanal6 said...

"its hard to fish out the good from the sea of crap!"

You live for the sea of crap...... r kelly, neo, and usher prime example of your shitbeat taste

Kramyllek said...

behave,just because I like all kinds of music thus not limiting myself doesnt mean i like shit music.